Thursday, November 6, 2014

Using SSRS to match colors

There are times when you have to match RGB colors in SSRS to Hex values that are defined by the business requirements. I save myself a lot of time by using websites that do this conversion for you. Here is one site to convert Hex to RGB and vice versa.

Simple but effective.

Getting the exact color

Sometimes you need the exact color codes (RGB or Hex) to match incoming graphics with SSRS colors. I would suggest that if you are not provided with company colors schemes already in this format (RGB/Hex), use the standard colors in SSRS in then work from there.

1.      Select the color you want. Do this by picking any object (text, rectangle, background, etc.) and Select properties. Choose the appropriate object to needs a specific color and then expression. In this example, I’m using Khaki. Select Expression…

2.      Under the Expression Dialog box, you will see the option More Colors in the Value Box. Select More Colors. This will bring you to the Select Color…

3.      Select the Color Circle Bar, move it to the top position. And this will give you the Color Sample “Khaki” and another split color for you to manipulate. We can record the RED, GREEN,BLUE color code for Khaki and use that to color object that need to match SSRS objects.


NOTE: Where trying to match graphics from incoming applications into SSRS, try using the PNG graphic format instead of JPG. PNG is a good choice for storing iconic graphics in SSRS and often has zero loss of quality regardless of the sizing (which should be small in SSRS). I use this all the time and am never disappointed when importing graphics of this type into SSRS.

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