Friday, May 30, 2014

SSAS cube dimension processing failure.

I was just developing a SSAS cube with relatively no problems. Once I began to process the dimensions , the Cube processing failed and returned the following errors...

OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'dimTask', database 'Project', schema 'dbo'.; 42000.

Impersonation Information Tab
The first thing I checked was the Impersonation Information tab on the Data Source.
Secondly, I then looked in SSMS and needed to verify that this account had the appropriate SQL Security role to process data from the Project DB (or whatever database). To resolve this problem, I opened up SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Under Security, Select the specified account (SSASProc in this scenario), Select the Server Roles in the Login Properties page. I then gave this account sysadmin server role.
SQL Server Management Studio

 This solved my SSAS Cube processing problem. I hope this works for you.

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