Friday, November 20, 2015

Power BI DAX Calculations

I use Power BI a lot. Particularly lately I’ve been using the Power BI Desktop that Microsoft seems to be updating almost weekly (Just kidding, but it is on about a monthly update schedule).  When creating calculations, I find some of the most impactful calculations are YTD, Same Period Last Year, and % of Total.

To save you some time, here are the Measure Calculations.... 

·     % of a Total
% of Total  = SUM(DailySales[Net Sales]) / CALCULATE(SUM(DailySales[Net Sales]),ALLSELECTED()) 

·     Year to Date
Basically, we need to make sure the Date is format as a normal Date. 

Net Sales YTD = TOTALYTD(SUM(DailySales[Net Sales]),Dates[Date])

            Sales of the Previous Year
Net Sales PY = CALCULATE(SUM(DailySales[Net Sales]), SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(Dates[MonthYear])) 

Using these three expression you can easily modify these to accommodate other time intelligence calculations and percentages.So if you wanted to get the % change of the Previous Year, you can use the above measure as follows:
         % ChangeVSLastYr = ((SUM(DailySales[Net Sales]) / [Net Sales PY])) - 1